Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Thoughtful Shopper

What kind of a shopper are you?

According to Mark Hunter in Business Know-How there are 5 types of customers:

  • Loyal Customers: They represent no more than 20% of the customer base but make up more than 50% of the  sales.
  • Discount Customers: They shop the store frequently but make their decisions based on the size of the markdowns.
  • Impulse Customers: They do not have buying jewelry at the top of their “To Do” list but come into the store on a whim. They will purchase what seems good at the time.
  • Need-Based Customers: They have a specific intention to buy a particular type of jewelry.
  • Wandering Customers: They have no specific need or desire in mind when they come into the store. Rather, they want a sense of experience and/or community.
If I were to look at myself, I would say that I am "all of the above". I shop for the things I am used to, making me a loyal customer, but I also love discounts (thus I am attracted to anything on sale) and I can be impulsive on these events. I also shop because of need, although I rarely if ever wander.  However, I would like to add a third type, and that is the "thoughtful" customer. This is someone who likes to shop, is a consumer at heart, but is careful about money and plans her shopping for the good of everyone. I guess growing older and becoming more responsible for others has made me one. I have not always been the thoughtful shopper that I advocate for.  I had to experience a hard lesson in life in order for me to change my shopping diva habit to a more practical, prudent and wise one.  I still get impulsive (on rare occasions now) but, thanks to a better understanding of the difference between needs and wants, as well as practicing good financial management, I am well on my way to becoming a really thoughtful shopper.